Frequently Asked Questions

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Who can participate in the study?

Anyone who is older than 18 years of age or older living in the Twin Cities Metropolitan area and has a smartphone with a data plan is elegible to participate.

How do I sign up?

You can sign up here or by going to and clicking the enroll here link at the bottom.

What will study participants be asked to do?

Participants will be asked to follow this link to the enrollment survey and consent to participate in the study. Following the survey, participants will receive an email with instructions for how to download the Daynamica smartphone app and login. Daynamica will use location sensing technology (e.g., GPS) on your phone to record trip and activity data throughout the day. The app is available on the App Store (iOS) and Google Play (Android). You will receive more information about using Daynamica after enrollment.

Participants will be asked to collect 14 days’ worth of data with Daynamica. Use the app on a daily basis to confirm your trip and activity details and edit details as needed. This process is fast and easy, and your privacy will be protected.​​​​​​

While participating, you will complete short in-app surveys. Each activity and trip event will have a few questions associated with it. Confirming details and completing surveys will take about 10–20 minutes per day.

Respond to a short in app exit survey at the end of the study period. The survey will appear in the app after 14 days of data collection.

What constitutes a day of data?

For a day of data collection to be counted towards the 14-day total, the data must meet the following criteria:

  1. At least 20 hours of data must be confirmed
  2. 80% of the contextual surveys associated with trips and activities must be completed
  3. Complete the end of day survey

Will I get paid to participate?

Study participants will receive a $40 Amazon electronic gift card for completing data collection.

How long is the study?

The study is anticipated to end April 30, 2021. Study participants are asked to collect their trip and activity details for 14 days with Daynamica.

What information will be collected during the study?

The University will collect data from teh enrollment and exit survey as well as from Daynamica.

The Daynamica app uses GPS and other location sensing technologies embedded in a smartphone to determine the real-time location of the phone. Based on such location information, the app then determines whether you are in an activity or trip status and records your activity location and trip trajectory. Trip and activity data include type, duration, and in-app survey responses correlated with each event.

Can I pause data collection?

If at any time you would like to pause location data collection with Daynamica, you may turn off this function in the Settings menu within the Daynamica app. Note that disabling the collection of location data may affect your eligibility for compensation in the Consent Form. Daynamica will also stop collecting information when you remove the app from your phone.     

Will my location data be shared?

Location data will only be shared with the University of Minnesota. The nature of this sharing will be governed by the terms of the research study Consent Form. For more information about the Daynamica app’s Privacy Policy see

What if I want to drop out of the study?

You can leave the study at any time. To stop participating, you just need to uninstall the app from your smartphone. It is preferred that you inform the study manager Andy Becker at [email protected] if you choose to stop participating.