COVID Travel Impact Study

The University of Minnesota is seeking participants for a research study to measure the effects of the Coronavirus Pandemic on travel patterns. By participating, you will help University researchers better understand how the lives of Minnesotans have been impacted by the coronavirus lockdowns. Upon completion of participation in this study, you will be able to receive a $40 Amazon Electronic Gift Card.

This research study is open to anyone who:

  • Is older than 18 years old
  • Live in the Minneapolis metropolitan area
  • Have a smartphone with a data plan

About the Study

The COVID Travel Impact Study is a University of Minnesota led project, focusing on understanding the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on travel behavior and activity patterns. The goal of this study is to understand how Twin Cities residents’ lives have been impacted by the COVID 19 pandemic. We want to understand how travel patterns have changed. In addition to this, we want to know how people are spending their time during the pandemic. These questions will be answered by using the Daynamica smartphone application, an innovative app designed specifically to collect spatio-temporal time use data. This application collects trip and activity data for participants throughout the day, occasionally prompting users to answer contextual surveys about their day and the trips and activities they have engaged in.

Participation Details

This study requires participants to be at least 18 years of age and live in the twin cities metropolitan area. Participants must have a smartphone with a data plan and be willing to download the Daynamica smartphone app. Participants will be asked to collect 14 days of data, editing and confirming details within the app along the way. Participants will also be asked to answer brief surveys about the data collected on the app. For a day to be counted, participants must meet a set of requirements:

  • 20+ hours of trips and activities must be confirmed within the app
  • The end of day survey must be completed
  • 80% of the contextual surveys linked to the trips and activities must be completed

If you choose to participate in the COVID Travel Impact study and complete the 14 Days of data collection, you will receive a $40 Amazon Gift Card as a thank you for your time and effort.

Enroll Here 



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About the Study

A team of researchers has collaborated to create this study to better understand how travel patterns have been impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. This work is supported by the Center for Transportation Studies



For specific questions about the study, please contact;

Andy Becker, University Researcher

[email protected]